WS Form Salesforce PRO 1.1.16


Integrate seamlessly with Salesforce, pushing new records to objects effortlessly. Create forms directly from Salesforce objects with a single click, simplifying your workflow and enhancing data management capabilities.

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WS Form Salesforce PRO: Your Bridge to Enhanced CRM Integration

Unlock unparalleled efficiency and connectivity between your WordPress site and Salesforce CRM with the WS Form Salesforce PRO plugin. Designed to streamline your sales and marketing efforts, this cutting-edge plugin allows you to easily push new records to Salesforce objects and generate new forms with a single click. Whether you’re looking to enhance customer relations, automate your sales process, or create dynamic, data-driven forms, WS Form Salesforce PRO is your go-to solution.

Why WS Form Salesforce PRO?

Integrating your website with Salesforce doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. WS Form Salesforce PRO simplifies the process, enabling you to:

  • Create New Forms Instantly: Generate forms directly from your Salesforce objects effortlessly, saving you time and reducing the potential for error.
  • Automate Data Push: Automatically push new records to Salesforce objects using an action, ensuring your data is always up-to-date and accurately synchronized.
  • Streamline Processes: By automating data entry and synchronization, you can focus on more important aspects of your business, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Advantages of WS Form Salesforce PRO

The WS Form Salesforce PRO plugin stands out for its ease of use, efficiency, and automation capabilities. Key advantages include:

  • Time-Saving: Reduce the time spent on manual data entry and form creation with automated processes.
  • Improved Accuracy: Automate data synchronization to minimize errors and ensure your Salesforce CRM reflects the most current information.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Create dynamic, data-driven forms that simplify the user experience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Integrate your WordPress site with Salesforce seamlessly and efficiently. Download GPL version of WS Form Salesforce PRO to elevate your CRM strategy and unlock new levels of productivity and connectivity.


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WS Form Salesforce PRO 1.1.16

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