WS Form ConvertKit 1.0.4


WS Form ConvertKit add-on seamlessly integrates your forms with ConvertKit, enabling you to add subscribers to forms, sequences, and tags with ease. Create custom fields and tags in a single click for efficient subscriber management.

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WS Form ConvertKit – Elevate Your Email Marketing Strategy

Unlock the full potential of your email marketing strategy with the WS Form ConvertKit WordPress plugin. This powerful add-on is designed to seamlessly integrate ConvertKit’s robust emailing capabilities directly into your WordPress site, enabling you to enhance subscriber engagement through personalized forms, sequences, and tags. It’s the perfect tool for website owners looking to amplify their marketing efforts and foster meaningful connections with their audience.

Why WS Form ConvertKit?

Email marketing is a critical component of digital marketing strategy, and the WS Form ConvertKit plugin simplifies the process of capturing subscriber information and tailoring content to their interests. By allowing users to:

  • Create new forms that automatically incorporate custom fields and tags with a single click,
  • Effortlessly add subscribers to forms, sequences, and tags directly from their WordPress site,
  • Streamline their email marketing workflows and save valuable time.

Advantages of Using WS Form ConvertKit

Integrating WS Form ConvertKit into your website comes with numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automate the addition of subscribers to your email lists, reducing manual work.
  • Customization at Your Fingertips: Easily create forms that reflect your unique branding and meet the specific needs of your audience with custom fields and tags.
  • Improved Subscriber Engagement: Use sequences and tags to deliver targeted content that resonates with your audience, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat visits.

For those looking to maximize their website’s email marketing potential without complexity, downloading the GPL version of WS Form ConvertKit is an excellent choice. It offers a robust suite of features designed to automate and personalize your email marketing efforts, ensuring you connect with your subscribers in the most effective way possible.


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WS Form ConvertKit 1.0.4

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