wpForo Syntax Highlighter 3.0.2


wpForo Syntax Highlighter enhances forum posts by displaying formatted source code using the highlight.js library, supporting numerous programming languages and offering various syntax highlighting styles.

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Enhance Code Readability in wpForo Forums

The wpForo Syntax Highlighter is a specialized WordPress plugin designed to improve the presentation of code snippets within wpForo forum posts. By integrating the highlight.js JavaScript library, it ensures that shared code is both visually appealing and easy to interpret.

Key Features

  • Extensive Language Support: Supports a wide array of programming languages, including Apache, Bash, C#, C++, CSS, HTML, XML, JSON, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, Basic, Delphi, Erlang, Matlab, Prolog, Scala, Scheme, Swift, TypeScript, VB.NET, and Shell.
  • User-Friendly Code Insertion: Allows users to effortlessly insert code blocks using the [<>] toolbar button in the post editor.
  • Customizable Highlighting Styles: Offers multiple syntax highlighting themes, enabling administrators to tailor the appearance to align with the forum’s design.
  • Backend Configuration: Administrators can enable or disable specific programming languages and select preferred highlighting styles through the dashboard settings.

Why wpForo Syntax Highlighter is Essential

For forums that frequently share code snippets, clear and consistent formatting is crucial. The wpForo Syntax Highlighter ensures that code is presented in a structured manner, enhancing readability and comprehension. This is particularly beneficial for developer communities, educational forums, and any platform where code sharing is prevalent.


  • Improved User Experience: Properly highlighted code is easier to read and understand, leading to more effective communication among forum members.
  • Professional Appearance: Well-formatted code blocks contribute to a polished and professional forum aesthetic.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed specifically for wpForo, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation without conflicts.

To enhance your wpForo forum with advanced code presentation capabilities, consider implementing the wpForo Syntax Highlighter. For those interested in exploring its features, you can download the GPL version to evaluate its functionality within your forum environment.


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wpForo Syntax Highlighter 3.0.2

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