WPfomify WordPress Plugin (core) 2.2.7


WPfomify adds notifications at the bottom of the screen to display real-time customer activity on your website built on the WordPress platform.

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WPfomify WordPress Plugin (core)

The WPfomify WordPress Plugin (core) is an essential tool for any website looking to enhance user engagement and boost conversions. This plugin enables the display of real-time notifications at the bottom of the screen, showcasing customer activity on your WordPress site. Whether it’s a new purchase, a recent sign-up, or a product review, WPfomify captures this activity to create a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Why You Need WPfomify

In an increasingly digital world, social proof has become a critical element for driving user trust and encouraging transactions. WPfomify leverages this psychological trigger by displaying real-time customer actions, thereby building credibility and prompting potential customers to take similar actions. Here are some key reasons why WPfomify is a must-have plugin for your WordPress site:

  • Boosts Conversions: By showcasing recent purchases and sign-ups, WPfomify helps to create a sense of urgency and reliability, encouraging more users to convert.
  • Enhances User Engagement: Real-time notifications keep visitors engaged with your content, making your website more interactive and lively.
  • Builds Trust: Displaying actual customer activity can increase trust and credibility, making new visitors more likely to follow through with their actions.

Advantages of WPfomify

WPfomify offers several advantages that make it a valuable addition to any WordPress site:

  • Customizable Notifications: Tailor the look and feel of your notifications to match your website’s design, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Easy Integration: WPfomify integrates effortlessly with popular platforms and plugins, including WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and more.
  • Real-time Updates: The plugin provides real-time updates, ensuring that your notifications are always current and relevant.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into user behavior and measure the effectiveness of your notifications with built-in analytics and reporting tools.
  • Responsive Design: WPfomify is fully responsive, ensuring that notifications look great on any device, from desktops to mobile phones.

For those interested in exploring the full capabilities of this powerful plugin, you can download GPL version of WPfomify WordPress Plugin (core) to test its features and see the benefits firsthand.


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WPfomify WordPress Plugin (core) 2.2.7

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