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WordPress Admin

Options Page Add-on for ACF

Options Page Add-on for ACF 1.2

The Options Page Add-on enhances ACF by adding customizable admin pages for editing global fields, perfect for site-wide settings like header and footer data. Supports creating sub pages for organized [...]
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Purge AMP CDN Cache

Purge AMP CDN Cache 2.0.4

You can now clear the AMP CDN cache directly from your WordPress admin area. This innovative extension gives you the control of Google’s CDN cache in your WordPress.
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WordPress Admin App for OpenPOS

WordPress Admin App for OpenPOS 1.0

Streamline your WooCommerce operations with this plugin. Manage sales, inventory, and customer data directly from your WordPress dashboard, simplifying complex processes for efficiency and scalability.
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WPIDE File Manager & Code Editor Premium

WPIDE File Manager & Code Editor Premium 3.4.1

WPIDE File Manager & Code Editor Premium revolutionizes WordPress website management, eliminating the need for FTP or cPanel. Gain complete and convenient control over your file management directly from the [...]
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