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Waiting List

Bookly Waiting List Add-on

Bookly Waiting List Add-on 3.3

Add clients to a waiting list when fully booked. Fill available appointments immediately to avoid losing time and money. Requires Bookly PRO installed and activated.
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Modern Events Calendar: Waiting List

Modern Events Calendar: Waiting List 1.3.1

Enhance event management by creating a waiting form for sold-out tickets. Allows attendees to reserve spots and automatically transfers reservations based on priority.
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Webnus Waiting List Addon

Webnus Waiting List Addon 1.1.9

Webnus Waiting List Addon allows the creation of a waiting form for sold-out events, enabling reservations and prioritized attendee replacement, ensuring no opportunity is missed due to cancellations.
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YITH WooCommerce Waiting List Premium

YITH WooCommerce Waiting List Premium 3.8.0

A great way to know the demand of the public even when your products are out of stock. The waiting list plugin allows users to add out-of-stock products to their [...]
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