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AIT PayPal Subscriptions

AIT PayPal Subscriptions 2.0.2

AIT PayPal Subscriptions simplify account renewal by enabling PayPal Recurring payments. Users' fees are billed automatically, eliminating the need to monitor expiration dates.
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Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions 1.4.1

Ever wanted to sell a subscription but also wanted to book it for a later start? Now you can! Choose a start date or allow your customers to choose their [...]
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Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions 4.4.0

Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions adds new features to WooCommerce Subscriptions such as updating prices for existing users, a cancel delay, preventing cancel before specific days of renewal, auto-renewal reminder, expiry [...]
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Jeg Paywall WP Plugin

Jeg Paywall WP Plugin 1.0.2

Quick and easy way to boost your revenue. Restrict access to your premium content and monetize it via paid subscriptions. Easily receive payment using PayPal and reach customers from all [...]
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PrivateContent - Premium Plans add-on

PrivateContent – Premium Plans add-on 2.2.0

Note: This is an add-on. You must have at least PrivateContent v6 and WooCommerce v2.3 to use it. Turn PrivateContent into a true premium membership platform, leveraging WooCommerce for payment [...]
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Projectopia WP Project Management - Subscriptions Add-On

Projectopia WP Project Management – Subscriptions Add-On 1.0.7

This add-on enhances Projectopia Core by allowing you to enroll clients into recurring payment plans through PayPal and Stripe, streamlining subscriptions management for your project workflows.
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ShopMagic WooCommerce Subscriptions

ShopMagic WooCommerce Subscriptions 1.6.2

Send automated emails based on subscription events that let you satisfy, retain, and get more subscription customers. Save your time and energy with this WooCommerce subscriptions email autopilot.
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Subscriptio - WooCommerce Subscriptions

Subscriptio – WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.0.7

Subscriptio is an extension for WooCommerce that enables you to sell subscriptions, adding recurring payment capabilities for products like magazine subscriptions, online memberships, and e-learning packages. Configure payment cycles, free [...]
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SUMO Subscriptions

SUMO Subscriptions 15.4.0

SUMO Subscriptions is a Complete WooCommerce Subscription System for Recurring Payments, allowing you to Create and Sell Subscription Products from your existing WooCommerce Shop.
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WooCommerce One-click Switch

WooCommerce One-click Switch 2.1.0

One-Click Subscription Switcher simplifies switching between subscriptions, displaying all plans in one place. Install the plugin, configure WooCommerce Subscriptions, create grouped products, and use shortcodes for a seamless user interface.
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WP Simple Pay Pro

WP Simple Pay Pro 4.10.0

Add high conversion Stripe payment forms to start accepting one-time or subscription payments on your WordPress site in minutes. This plugin simplifies the payment process, ensuring easy and secure transactions [...]
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wpDiscuz Subscription Manager

wpDiscuz Subscription Manager 7.0.4

Finally, you can monitor and manage all subscribers on the dashboard. View and manage all guest and user subscriptions. Adds a “Subscriptions” submenu in the Comments menu section for easy [...]
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YITH WooCommerce Subscription

YITH WooCommerce Subscription 3.4.0

Create subscription-based products on your website with the help of YITH Subscription plugin. It is an easy to use plugin and is fully compatible with YITH Membership plugin to create [...]
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