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AIT Item Reviews

AIT Item Reviews 3.0.2

AIT Item Reviews adds the ability for users to rate and review listed content with star ratings. Reviews can be approved by the admin before posting. Each item category can [...]
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Epic Review WordPress Plugin

Epic Review WordPress Plugin 1.0.2

Epic Review WordPress Plugin is the perfect tool for showcasing your opinions on products, movies, and more. Seamlessly integrates with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder for easy and stylish review [...]
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GravityView Ratings & Reviews Extension

GravityView Ratings & Reviews Extension 2.2.1

GravityView Ratings & Reviews extension allows visitors to rate, review, and comment on your Gravity Forms entries. Perfect for business and event listings.
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LearnDash Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback

LearnDash Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback 2.1.1

Enable a Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback system for all your courses. Have full control over the display of ratings and reviews, set custom templates, and enhance your courses with student [...]
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Ratings for AMP WP Plugin

Ratings for AMP WP Plugin 2.8.6

Display Ratings for product reviews in Star format within AMP. Works with custom post types and compatible with popular rating plugins. Enter a score, and it shows corresponding stars. Contact [...]
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Reviewer WordPress Plugin

Reviewer WordPress Plugin 3.25.0

The Reviewer plugin for WordPress enables you to quickly and easily add reviews and comparison tables to your posts, pages, and custom post types. Perfect for creating beautiful review recaps [...]
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ShopMagic Review Requests

ShopMagic Review Requests 2.7.12

Send automated review reminders and take advantage of one of the best conversion boosters with ShopMagic Review Requests. Enhance customer engagement and improve your store's credibility effortlessly.
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Smart Product Review For WooCommerce

Smart Product Review For WooCommerce 2.0.3

Smart Product Review is an all-in-one review pack for your WooCommerce store. It lets you add customer reviews and ratings with images and videos, featuring ajax review submission, pagination, and [...]
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Testimonial Pro WP Plugin

Testimonial Pro WP Plugin 2.6.0

Testimonial Pro is the best tool to display testimonials, reviews, or quotes in various layouts. It features a user-friendly Shortcode Generator, responsive designs, and customizable styles for an awesome testimonials [...]
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Testimonials Showcase for Visual Composer Plugin

Testimonials Showcase for Visual Composer Plugin 4.0

Testimonials Showcase for Visual Composer is a top-notch plugin designed for displaying testimonials and reviews using the VC Page Builder. It features 10 responsive themes, grid and slider showcases, submission [...]
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WP Testimonials - Plugin For Displaying & Managing Testimonials

WP Testimonials 1.0.9 – Plugin For Displaying & Managing Testimonials

WP Testimonials is a plugin to display and manage user-submitted testimonials with a customizable interface, multiple layouts, unlimited color options, and fluid responsiveness.
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YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews 1.37.0

Positive customer reviews can increase your sales by 20-30%. YITH’s Advanced Reviews extends the functionality of the default WooCommerce review system, enhancing usability for users and ease for store administrators.
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YITH WooCommerce Review For Discounts 1.10.0

Simple integration of WooCommerce review system with the coupon system. Customers receive discounts for their next purchase after leaving reviews, boosting user engagement, store reputation, and sales.
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YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder

YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder 1.42.0

Positive reviews create a great impact on the users and encourage them to buy the product. With the help of review reminder plugin, you can send emails to your existing [...]
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