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cashCred Stripe WP Plugin

cashCred Stripe WP Plugin 1.0.1

‘cashCred Stripe’ is a premium add-on that allows users to redeem myCred points into cash using the Stripe payment gateway. This add-on enables the admin to choose ‘Auto Withdrawal’ or ‘Manual [...]
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GamiPress Coupons

GamiPress Coupons 1.1.0

GamiPress Coupons allows users to redeem coupon codes to earn points, achievements, and ranks. Enhance engagement by offering rewards through customizable coupon codes.
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GamiPress Points Limits

GamiPress Points Limits 1.0.6

Points Limits gives you the ability to configure points earnings limits to limit the number of points your users can earn.
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GamiPress Points Payouts

GamiPress Points Payouts 1.0.9

Points Payouts allows users to withdraw their points for money. Easily add withdrawal forms to your site, enabling users to request point withdrawals based on customizable criteria.
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GamiPress Purchases

GamiPress Purchases 1.2.1

Purchases give you the ability to bring the opportunity to your users to recharge their points, unlock achievements, or unlock ranks by an amount of money.
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GamiPress Transfers

GamiPress Transfers 1.3.1

Transfers gives users the ability to transfer points, achievements, or ranks between themselves. Easily place transfer forms around your site and reward users for making transfers, extending GamiPress with new [...]
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myCred Arcade Game

myCred Arcade Game 2.0.1

Engage users with an interactive maze game and reward points for consuming power pellets while dodging ghosts. Customize elements and set point limits to enhance user experience and incentivize participation.
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myCred BP Charges

myCred BP Charges 1.4.6

Charge points from BuddyPress users for actions like sending private messages, joining groups, and viewing profiles. Simple & Easy-to-use, users are charged and credited in myCred points.
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myCred for Users Ultra

myCred for Users Ultra 1.0.2

Reward or charge your users with points for using Users Ultra. Award or deduct points from users whenever they make changes to their profile, add media, or send new messages, [...]
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WPMUDEV Fundraising - myCred Gateway

WPMUDEV Fundraising – myCred Gateway 1.0.1

myCred WPMUDEV Fundraising addon allows users to pledge points to your fundraisers! This addon is compatible with both points-based fundraisers and currency-based fundraisers.
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