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cashCred PayPal WP Plugin

cashCred PayPal WP Plugin 1.0.1

cashCred PayPal is a premium myCred addon that gives users the capability to redeem myCred points for real money and withdraw it using PayPal. Admin can send ‘Auto’ or ‘Manual’ [...]
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cashCred Stripe WP Plugin

cashCred Stripe WP Plugin 1.0.1

‘cashCred Stripe’ is a premium add-on that allows users to redeem myCred points into cash using the Stripe payment gateway. This add-on enables the admin to choose ‘Auto Withdrawal’ or ‘Manual [...]
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Easy Digital Downloads - myCred Gateway

Easy Digital Downloads – myCred Gateway 1.2.2

This add-on adds myCred as a custom gateway to your Easy Digital Downloads plugin, allowing users to pay for items using their myCred point balance.
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Jigoshop - myCred Gateway

Jigoshop – myCred Gateway 1.0.3

myCred Jigoshop allows users to pay for items in your Jigoshop using their myCred points balances! This add-on adds myCred as a custom gateway to your Jigoshop allowing users to [...]
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myCred 2checkout

myCred 2checkout 1.0.5

myCred 2checkout seamlessly integrates with myCred's buyCRED add-on, enabling users to easily process payments through 2Checkout (2CO). Enhance your site's monetization with this reliable and secure payment gateway solution.
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myCred Arcade Game

myCred Arcade Game 2.0.1

Engage users with an interactive maze game and reward points for consuming power pellets while dodging ghosts. Customize elements and set point limits to enhance user experience and incentivize participation.
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myCred Beaver Builder

myCred Beaver Builder 1.0.3

Integrate myCred Point Management System with Beaver Builder using hooks and add-ons, converting myCred shortcodes into Beaver Builder modules for enhanced drag & drop functionality.
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myCred BP Charges

myCred BP Charges 1.4.6

Charge points from BuddyPress users for actions like sending private messages, joining groups, and viewing profiles. Simple & Easy-to-use, users are charged and credited in myCred points.
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myCred CashCred Paystack

myCred CashCred Paystack 1.0.1

CashCred Paystack allows users to connect cashCred with their Paystack account, enabling the conversion of myCred points into cash. Admins can set the exchange rate and conversion value for each [...]
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myCred Coinbase

myCred Coinbase 1.0.6

myCred Coinbase enhances the buyCRED add-on within myCred, enabling payment processing through Coinbase, offering a seamless integration for cryptocurrency transactions.
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myCred Compropago

myCred Compropago 1.0.5

myCred Compropago enhances the buyCRED add-on, enabling users to make payments via Compropago. This integration facilitates more accessible and versatile payment options within the myCred ecosystem.
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myCRED Daily Login Rewards

myCRED Daily Login Rewards 1.0.1

Unlock the full potential of myCred with Daily Login Rewards. Enjoy a daily login bonus, user competition, and an engaging points system. Requires the core myCred plugin.
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myCred Dokan

myCred Dokan 1.1.1

The myCred Dokan add-on integrates the myCred points system with the Dokan marketplace, allowing you to award points to vendors based on profiles, products, or sales via configurable hooks. Offer [...]
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myCred Easy Digital Downloads

myCred Easy Digital Downloads 1.2.2

myCred Easy Digital Downloads integrates seamlessly, allowing users to pay with myCred Points in your Easy Digital Downloads store, enhancing user experience and flexibility in transactions.
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myCred Email Digest

myCred Email Digest 1.0

myCred Email Digest helps you to deliver content by email to different user groups. Send email notifications periodically. Also, you can include and exclude certain user groups based on roles, [...]
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myCred Email Plus

myCred Email Plus 1.0

myCred Email Plus powers up your user engagement with conditional emails, leveraging a vast tag library. Send personalized messages featuring point balances, recent ranks, and more, triggered by dynamic events.
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