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GDPR Compliance

AIT Subscribe Form

AIT Subscribe Form 2.0.2

Collect e-mail addresses from your web visitors with ease. This plugin integrates with MailChimp and is GDPR ready, ensuring compliance with EU personal data protection regulations.
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Awesome support Private Credentials

Awesome support Private Credentials 2.0.0

With the advent of the GDPR and other similar privacy regulations around the globe, it's important that you offer your customers methods to secure their data. This add-on allows customers [...]
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ConsentMagic Pro

ConsentMagic Pro 3.0.0

Ask for consent the right way with ConsentMagic Pro, seamlessly integrated with PixelYourSite. Supports WP privacy laws, GDPR, CCPA, blocks scripts/cookies, and offers multilingual support in 25 languages.
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Elfsight Cookie Consent

Elfsight Cookie Consent 1.1.1

With Elfsight Cookie Consent widget, it’s maximum easy to notify users that your website uses cookies via a popup bar. The widget enables you to write your message, provide a [...]
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Font Hero - WordPress Font Manager

Font Hero – WordPress Font Manager 2.0.1

No Code Font Manager. Easily add self-hosted, static, and variable fonts to any builder or theme, GDPR compliant, with a visual panel. No coding knowledge required.
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Fortune Cookie Consent Policy WordPress Plugin - CodeRevolution

Fortune Cookie Consent Policy WordPress Plugin 1.2.8

Enhance your website's GDPR compliance with a customizable cookie consent notice. Style, color, effects, size, and position fully customizable for a unique user experience.
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GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent Pro

GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent Pro 1.1.1

Ensure your website adheres to GDPR regulations and industry standards. Offer your visitors a seamless experience with comprehensive cookie consent options, fostering trust and compliance.
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GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin (CCPA Ready)

GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin (CCPA Ready) 2.5.3

Ensure GDPR & CCPA compliance with easy cookie consent, user opt-ins, and data usage consent. A leading GDPR plugin solution, making your WordPress site legally compliant seamlessly.
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GDPR Cookies for WooCommerce

GDPR Cookies for WooCommerce 1.3.1

Easy-to-use extension for cookie pop-up management and GDPR compliance. Design, content, and options customization without coding. Features include simple cookie management and visitor acceptance, ensuring GDPR requirements are met.
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Gravity Forms CleverReach

Gravity Forms CleverReach 1.8

Power your CleverReach email marketing campaigns with Gravity Forms. Gain conditional logic, custom fields, GDPR compliance, and more to enhance your email marketing strategies efficiently and effectively.
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Moove GDPR Cookie Compliance Pro

Moove GDPR Cookie Compliance Pro 4.12.3

Ensure your site is compliant with GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, AAP, LGPD & more. Moove GDPR Pro offers robust privacy and data protection features to meet global regulations.
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OMGF Pro - Host Google Fonts Locally for WordPress

OMGF Pro 3.8.0 – Host Google Fonts Locally for WordPress

Leverage Browser Cache, Minimize DNS requests, and serve your Google Fonts in a 100% GDPR compliant way. Automatically cache fonts to minimize DNS requests and speed up your WordPress website. [...]
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Real Cookie Banner

Real Cookie Banner 4.6.0

Real Cookie Banner simplifies GDPR and ePrivacy Directive compliance with automatic cookie and service detection, legal information integration, and more-tailored for WordPress websites.
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WordPress GDPR & CCPA

WordPress GDPR & CCPA 1.9.31

Enhance your website's compliance with the ultimate GDPR & CCPA plugin. Single, comprehensive solution for full GDPR compliance, making it effortless to meet the regulations. No need for multiple plugins—get [...]
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WP GDPR Compliance Suite WordPress Plugin

WP GDPR Compliance Suite 3.6

WP GDPR Compliance Suite is a WordPress Plugin that provides a comprehensive set of tools to make your site GDPR compliant. Compatible with WooCommerce, BuddyPress, MailChimp, Contact Form 7, and [...]
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