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BuddyBoss Wall

BuddyBoss Wall 1.3.8

Turn your BuddyPress activity stream into a two-way “Wall” for a more interactive experience. Engage users with richer interactions and enhanced social features.
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BuddyPress Activity Privacy

BuddyPress Activity Privacy 1.0.8

BuddyPress Activity Privacy helps you provide activity privacy functionality to your site members. Your users can choose privacy options like “Private”, “Public”, “My Friends”, and “All Members” to limit the [...]
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BuddyPress Anonymous Activity

BuddyPress Anonymous Activity 1.0.9

BuddyPress Anonymous Activity plugin allows users to post activity updates or comments on a BuddyPress-based network anonymously, without revealing their identity.
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BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login

BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login 1.5.7

Automatically activate user accounts on signup for BuddyPress sites. Instant login without activation emails and redirect users to their profile immediately after signup.
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BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login

BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login 1.5.8

BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login plugin makes it easy for new users to join BuddyPress site. It removes the email activation requirement for new accounts and automatically activates the user [...]
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BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro

BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro 1.2.3

BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro enables auto-adding friends for new members. Admins can create multiple friendship lists, add users to each list, and set conditional or global auto-friendship. New members get [...]
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BuddyPress Auto Join Groups

BuddyPress Auto Join Groups 1.2.2

Automate group joining for members with this plugin, helping site admins streamline community engagement on BuddyPress. Enhance user experience by ensuring new members automatically join relevant groups.
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BuddyPress Avatar Moderator

BuddyPress Avatar Moderator 1.1.8

Enhance your BuddyPress community by moderating user profile and group display photos. Ensure appropriate content and maintain a positive environment. For more features, see the detailed description.
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BuddyPress Block Users

BuddyPress Block Users 1.2.1

BuddyPress Block Users allows users to block other users on BuddyPress sites, enhancing user control and privacy. For full details and features, check out the sales page.
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BuddyPress Branded Login

BuddyPress Branded Login 1.4.11

Branded login plugin for BuddyPress allows you to theme your login page and password reset pages. Each unique theme can have its own login/reset screens, ensuring users never see wp-login.php, [...]
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BuddyPress Community Builder Pro

BuddyPress Community Builder Pro 2.1.0

The social platform for BuddyPress communities. Empower your imagination and create a pleasant social network experience with BuddyPress Community Builder Pro.
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BuddyPress Deactivate Account

BuddyPress Deactivate Account 1.2.1

BuddyPress Deactivate Account plugin allows users to deactivate/reactivate their account on a BuddyPress based social network. With this plugin, you allow your users to remove themself from any social activity [...]
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BuddyPress Default Email Notification Settings Control

BuddyPress Default Email Notification Settings Control 1.0.9

Control default email preferences for users on BuddyPress-based social networks. Empower site admins to customize default email notifications, enhancing user experience and engagement.
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BuddyPress Default Group Tab

BuddyPress Default Group Tab 1.0.5

Let the group admins choose the landing page for groups! Control which group has which component set as a default landing page, enhancing user experience and group management.
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BuddyPress Editable Activity

BuddyPress Editable Activity 2.2.6

Enhance user experience on BuddyPress-based social networks by allowing users to easily edit their activity posts and comments. Simplify content management and boost engagement with this intuitive feature.
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BuddyPress Emoji

BuddyPress Emoji 1.0.2

BuddyPress Emoji allows site users to post emoji into BuddyPress activity and activity comments. Enhance user interaction and expression with a wide array of emojis. For full details and features, [...]
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