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AcelleMail WordPress WorkFlows

AcelleMail WordPress WorkFlows 1.1.0

Acelle Mail WordPress WorkFlows is a WordPress plugin that connects AcelleMail with different WordPress actions triggered by your users. Create advanced workflows based on actions taken within your WordPress installation!
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AffiliateWP Group Switcher

AffiliateWP Group Switcher 1.1.5

Group Switcher is an extension for Affiliate Groups designed to dynamically manage affiliate groups based on specific triggers and criteria, optimizing affiliate strategies.
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AffiliateWP: Zapier

AffiliateWP: Zapier 1.1.2

Connect AffiliateWP with over 700 web services using your Zapier account. Authenticate via API Keys, and support both Zapier Actions and Triggers to manage affiliates and notify Zapier of AffiliateWP [...]
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AutomatorWP AffiliateWP

AutomatorWP AffiliateWP 1.0.3

AutomatorWP AffiliateWP integrates with AffiliateWP to enable extensive connectivity options, allowing seamless interaction with thousands of WordPress plugins to enhance affiliate marketing strategies.
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AutomatorWP AnsPress

AutomatorWP AnsPress 1.0.0

AutomatorWP AnsPress integrates seamlessly with AnsPress, enhancing your Q&A forum by automating various actions, thus boosting user engagement and content interaction on your WordPress site.
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AutomatorWP Block Users

AutomatorWP Block Users 1.0.1

AutomatorWP Block Users enhances your site's functionality by allowing you to block specific users and roles from completing any automation processes, ensuring enhanced control and security.
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AutomatorWP Button

AutomatorWP Button 1.0.2

AutomatorWP Button enhances user interaction by adding new triggers, enabling automation completion through simple button clicks. Elevate your site's functionality seamlessly.
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AutomatorWP Elementor

AutomatorWP Elementor 1.0.7

AutomatorWP Elementor integrates seamlessly with Elementor Forms, enhancing the popular page builder with automated workflows and expanded functional capabilities for efficient web design.
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AutomatorWP FluentCRM

AutomatorWP FluentCRM 1.1.0

AutomatorWP FluentCRM integrates seamlessly with FluentCRM, enhancing marketing capabilities by automating CRM activities, improving customer interaction, and boosting conversion rates through innovative email marketing strategies.
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AutomatorWP Google Sheets

AutomatorWP Google Sheets 1.0.3

AutomatorWP Google Sheets enhances your WordPress site by enabling seamless integration with Google Sheets. Effortlessly synchronize data, automate workflows, and streamline operations, making information management and tasks execution more efficient [...]
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AutomatorWP H5P

AutomatorWP H5P 1.0.0

Enhance your website with interactive content using AutomatorWP H5P. Add videos, games, quizzes, and more to engage and educate visitors effectively and enjoyably.
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AutomatorWP Link

AutomatorWP Link 1.0.2

AutomatorWP Link enhances your automation capabilities, allowing users to trigger automations simply by clicking links. Introduces innovative ways to streamline interactions and processes.
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AutomatorWP Mailchimp

AutomatorWP Mailchimp 1.0.6

AutomatorWP Mailchimp enhances your marketing efforts by seamlessly integrating with Mailchimp, enabling automated subscriber management and campaign engagement directly from your WordPress site.
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AutomatorWP Modern Events Calendar

AutomatorWP Modern Events Calendar 1.0.7

AutomatorWP Modern Events Calendar integrates seamlessly with Modern Events Calendar, enhancing event management efficiency through automated triggers and actions, perfect for responsive, user-friendly event scheduling.
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AutomatorWP Multimedia Content

AutomatorWP Multimedia Content 1.0.1

Multimedia Content adds new triggers to let you run any automation based on multimedia content creation and interaction!
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AutomatorWP Thrive Apprentice

AutomatorWP Thrive Apprentice 1.0.0

AutomatorWP Thrive Apprentice seamlessly integrates with BuddyPress, enabling the creation of engaging community websites. It enhances member profiles, activity streams, and groups, making learning an interactive experience.
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