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AIT Plugins

AIT - Advanced Search

AIT – Advanced Search 2.0.2

Find items effortlessly by simply typing in a location and selecting a preferred radius. Search by ZIP code similar to Google Maps, making the search process straightforward and hassle-free for [...]
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AIT Advanced Filters

AIT Advanced Filters 2.0.2

AIT Advanced Filters make your search results more accurate. This plugin provides advanced filters placed on top of your search results, allowing you to predefine filters as checkboxes in your [...]
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AIT Announcements Bar

AIT Announcements Bar 3.0.2

Present important announcements with a simple bar at the top of your pages. Clickable to a specific URL. Full control over HTML and CSS. Schedule visibility with start and end [...]
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AIT Claim Listing

AIT Claim Listing 4.0.4

AIT Claim Listing extends functionality by allowing users to claim existing listings. Owners can administer and update their item presentations independently. Simple and efficient for user-managed content.
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AIT Comments Extension

AIT Comments Extension 2.0.2

Modify labels in the default WordPress Comments Form and add notification text for inputs. Enhance user interaction by customizing comment form fields effortlessly.
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AIT CSV Import / Export

AIT CSV Import / Export 3.0.4

You can import items from CSV or export items to CSV file in your directory-based theme, ensuring seamless data management and transfer.
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AIT Directory Migrations

AIT Directory Migrations 2.10

Migrate items, categories, locations from Directory and Business Finder themes to City Guide theme efficiently with AIT Directory Migrations.
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AIT Easy Admin

AIT Easy Admin 3.0.5

Offer your customers a simplified WordPress administration without any unnecessary distractions. This plugin changes the standard WordPress admin panel, making it more user-friendly. Ideal for helping non-technical clients understand website [...]
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AIT Elements Toolkit

AIT Elements Toolkit 3.0.1

Extend your page builder with 30+ elements and many custom post types. All elements are unique from theme to theme and make website building straightforward. Custom post types simplify content [...]
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AIT Events Pro

AIT Events Pro 2.0.2

AIT Events Pro enhances your site with advanced event management. Perfect for directory sites, it promotes businesses and events effortlessly, allowing you to organize and manage events without any hassle.
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AIT Food Menu

AIT Food Menu 2.0.2

AIT Food Menu brings your customers full food menu management right on your site. Let them create a whole a-la-carte or any time limited and recurring food offers. Unleash the [...]
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AIT Get Directions

AIT Get Directions 3.0.2

Compatible with all themes, this plugin provides a new element for navigating visitors to your company or other destinations. Utilizes Google Maps for turn-by-turn navigation, enhancing the City Guide theme [...]
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AIT Infobar WP Plugin

AIT Infobar WP Plugin 2.0.2

AIT Infobar displays crucial information prominently, either at the top or bottom of your website. Once dismissed by a visitor, it remains hidden. Compatible with all WordPress themes.
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AIT Item Extension

AIT Item Extension 2.0.2

AIT Item Extension: Enhance your WordPress site with custom fields for the Item Custom Post Type, allowing for more detailed and flexible content management.
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AIT Item Reviews

AIT Item Reviews 3.0.2

AIT Item Reviews adds the ability for users to rate and review listed content with star ratings. Reviews can be approved by the admin before posting. Each item category can [...]
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AIT Languages

AIT Languages 4.0.4

AIT Languages plugin allows you to create websites in multiple languages. It extends themes with multilingual functionality and includes 28 language translations, making your theme admin panel, page builder, and [...]
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