myCred Pending Points 1.0.2


myCred Pending Points enables administrators to temporarily hold awarded points in a pending state for a predetermined period, enhancing control over point distribution and management.

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Introducing myCred Pending Points

Managing user engagement and rewards on your WordPress site just got easier with myCred Pending Points. This innovative plugin enables site admins to place awarded points in a pending state for a predetermined duration. Whether you’re running a loyalty program, educational platform, or any interactive website, myCred Pending Points provides the flexibility to control how and when points are finalized and awarded to users.

Why myCred Pending Points is Essential

In any dynamic online community or platform, ensuring fair and controlled distribution of rewards is paramount. myCred Pending Points is designed to meet this need by offering:

  • Delayed Gratification: By setting points to pend, you can instill a sense of anticipation among users, enhancing engagement.
  • Fraud Prevention: The pending period allows admins to review activities before finalizing points, reducing the risk of fraudulent claims.
  • Customizable Timing: Admins have the flexibility to specify the exact duration points remain in pending, tailored to the platform’s requirements.

Advantages of Using myCred Pending Points

Implementing myCred Pending Points on your WordPress site brings several advantages:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Users stay more engaged and motivated, knowing their efforts lead to rewards, albeit with a short wait.
  • Improved Platform Integrity: With the ability to review and approve point transactions, your platform’s integrity and trustworthiness improve.
  • Seamless Integration: As a part of the myCred ecosystem, the Pending Points plugin integrates smoothly with existing myCred functionalities, maintaining a cohesive user experience.

Moreover, for those looking to download GPL version, myCred Pending Points offers a seamless integration with GPL-licensed projects, ensuring compatibility and compliance with open source licenses.


myCred Pending Points is an indispensable tool for any WordPress site looking to implement a sophisticated points management system. Its ability to hold points in a pending state adds a layer of control and excitement, making it a must-have plugin for enhancing user engagement and platform integrity.


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myCred Pending Points 1.0.2

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