HivePress Marketplace 1.3.11


HivePress Marketplace integrates with WooCommerce to enable creation of a marketplace for fixed-price services or digital downloads, by creating hidden products for listings and calculating vendors’ earnings.

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HivePress Marketplace: Transform Your Website into a Thriving Digital Marketplace

Introducing HivePress Marketplace, a powerful extension designed to seamlessly convert any website into a fully-functional marketplace for fixed-price services or digital downloads. Leveraging the robust frameworks of HivePress and WooCommerce, this plugin creates a streamlined path for entrepreneurs and businesses to offer services or digital goods directly from their WordPress platform.

Why HivePress Marketplace?

With the ever-growing digital economy, the need for a reliable and efficient platform to sell digital products and services has never been higher. HivePress Marketplace meets this demand by integrating two cornerstone technologies of the e-commerce world: HivePress and WooCommerce. This integration not only facilitates an easy setup but also ensures a smooth operation of your digital marketplace.

Key Advantages

  • Seamless Integration: By creating a hidden product for each listing within WooCommerce, HivePress Marketplace offers a clean and efficient backend operation, making the management of your digital goods and services hassle-free.
  • Vendors’ Earnings Calculations: The plugin simplifies the financial aspect of your marketplace by automatically calculating vendors’ earnings from sales, ensuring transparency and trust among your marketplace participants.
  • Marketplace Flexibility: Designed to support both fixed-price services and digital downloads, HivePress Marketplace provides the versatility needed to cater to various business models and digital content types.

In today’s digital age, having a direct channel to sell digital products or services is crucial for sustainable business growth. HivePress Marketplace empowers website owners to capitalize on this opportunity by providing an all-encompassing solution to host and sell digital offerings. While some users might be tempted to download GPL versions of software, ensuring you use the official version of HivePress Marketplace guarantees compatibility, security, and access to the latest features.


HivePress Marketplace stands out as an essential tool for any entrepreneur or business looking to establish or expand their digital marketplace. Through its comprehensive integration with WooCommerce and thoughtful design focused on ease of use and efficiency, creating a robust online marketplace has never been easier or more accessible.


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HivePress Marketplace 1.3.11

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