HivePress Import 1.2.1


HivePress Import enables easy importation of listings from CSV files, allowing file upload, delimiter selection, column mapping to listing fields, and attachment imports for both users and administrators.

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HivePress Import: Streamline Your Listing Management

Elevate your online directory or marketplace’s operational efficiency with the HivePress Import WordPress plugin. This powerful extension is engineered to radically simplify the process of transferring listings into your platform from a CSV file. Whether you’re managing real estate listings, job boards, classifieds, or any other online directory, HivePress Import offers a seamless, user-friendly solution for bulk data management.

Why HivePress Import?

In the fast-paced digital age, maintaining an up-to-date, comprehensive online directory can be incredibly time-consuming. Manual input is not only prone to errors but also inefficient. HivePress Import addresses this challenge by allowing users and administrators to easily populate their platforms with listings from a conventional CSV format. This functionality is indispensable for platforms that frequently update their offerings or are in the process of migrating data from another system.

Key Features & Advantages

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the import process with an intuitive interface that requires no technical expertise.
  • Flexible File Upload: Users can upload CSV files, select their specific column separators, and choose how each column corresponds with the listing fields on their platform.
  • Data Mapping: Ensure accurate data transfer by meticulously mapping CSV columns to the appropriate listing fields.
  • Attachment Support: Not just limited to textual data, the plugin supports importing attachments, enriching the listings with images or documents as required.
  • Administrative Efficiency: Administrators can augment their platform’s offerings by importing listings in bulk, saving valuable time and effort.

For those looking to enhance their directory or marketplace platform’s functionality and efficiency, downloading the GPL version of the HivePress Import plugin is an excellent start. It’s designed to make complex data integration tasks straightforward and manageable, underpinning your digital presence with robust technological support.


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HivePress Import 1.2.1

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