Gravity Perks Read Only 1.9.27


Gravity Perks Read-Only add-on allows you to configure form fields to be read-only. Fields will be visible but not editable, meaning users can see but cannot change the field value.

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Gravity Perks Read-Only: Enhance Your Gravity Forms with Read-Only Fields

Introducing Gravity Perks Read-Only, a powerful add-on for Gravity Forms that allows administrators to configure specific form fields to be set in a read-only state. This plugin ensures that while users can view the content of these fields, they are unable to modify the data. It’s an essential tool for scenarios where displaying unchangeable information is crucial.

Why Gravity Perks Read-Only is Essential

In the dynamic world of form management, there are numerous instances where maintaining the integrity of the data displayed is paramount. The Gravity Perks Read-Only plugin addresses this need by allowing certain fields to be viewed but not edited. This is particularly useful in situations such as:

  • Displaying pre-populated data that should not be altered by the end-user.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements that mandate the preservation of original data entries.
  • Preventing accidental modifications to critical information during the form submission process.

Advantages of Using Gravity Perks Read-Only

The Gravity Perks Read-Only plugin comes with a multitude of benefits that enhance your form management capabilities:

  • Data Integrity: By setting fields to read-only, you ensure that critical data remains unchanged, preserving its accuracy and reliability.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Users can easily reference important information without the risk of altering it, simplifying the form completion process.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meet legal and regulatory requirements by ensuring that original data entries remain intact and unmodified.
  • Seamless Integration: The plugin integrates effortlessly with Gravity Forms, offering a straightforward way to configure read-only fields without extensive technical knowledge.

Whether you’re managing user profiles, displaying order details, or maintaining sensitive information, Gravity Perks Read-Only provides the functionality needed to display data securely and effectively. For those looking to enhance their form management capabilities, the option to download GPL version of this plugin ensures you have access to its powerful features while adhering to open-source licensing principles.

Experience the control and security that Gravity Perks Read-Only brings to your Gravity Forms today. Download and implement this essential add-on to keep your data visible and protected.


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