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Frequently Asked Questions

What is DDGPL?

DDGPL is an online resource providing a vast selection of premium digital goods (software) that are essential for website creation, such as WordPress themes, plugins, PHP scripts, JavaScript resources, and HTML5 templates, all at a cost that’s more affordable than purchasing directly from the creators.

How is it that our prices are more economical?

  • The WordPress-related items, like themes and plugins, abide by the General Public License (GPL).
  • With this license, after the initial acquisition of the item, we have the autonomy to redistribute it.
  • Your financial contribution to our platform aids in sustaining and acquiring new products from third-party theme and plugin developers.
  • A collective funding approach permits us to minimize costs, and we then extend these savings to you.
  • Since our products don’t come with premium support, we are able to present discounts up to 95% on necessary commercial WordPress plugins.

Why consider buying from our site?

  • More pocket-friendly prices.
  • Original files free of malware, viruses, or intrusive ads.
  • Unlimited usage across websites (domains) due to the unlimited license.
  • Products are accessible through direct links.
  • Frequent updates to our product line and the introduction of new and often hard-to-find items are standard.

How does one make a purchase?

To shop with us, start by registering at https://ddgpl.com/my-account/. Once logged in, you can add items to the basket and use one of the payment methods available to make a purchase.

What payment methods do we accept?

We support transactions via Stripe, PayPal and Credit Card. Should you prefer an alternative payment method, feel free to reach out to us.

Where is information about my orders and downloads available?

You can access all necessary information concerning your orders and downloads on your account page at https://ddgpl.com/my-account/downloads/.

Is it possible to receive a refund?

Unfortunately, no refunds are given since digital media, once downloaded, can’t be returned. All sales on DDGPL are final, and any disputes or requests for a refund will not be entertained without communication. However, should you receive a completely unusable product from our website, a refund may be considered. While we endeavor to provide round-the-clock access to our platform, unexpected downtimes may affect service availability. If in doubt, consider subscribing for a month before opting for a longer commitment.

How long am I entitled to download updates for purchased products?

Free updates for purchased products are available for one year from the purchase date. After this term, access will be revoked.

How can I regain access to downloads after one year from the purchase date?

To continue accessing downloads after one year, you will need to repurchase the product or subscribe to our Membership.

Is there an option to buy a product with lifetime free updates?

Yes, products with lifetime free updates are available for purchase at a Membership Plan.

Can I get a discount on products or subscriptions?

Our products and subscriptions are already offered at a discounted rate. However, we can provide a personalized deal if you’ve reviewed a product you purchased from our site.

Can I utilize the products I’ve bought for personal projects?

All products are distributed under the GNU General Public License. To ensure proper usage, please read the Terms and Conditions prior to using any purchased product.

Is technical support available?

In general, no. However, we do offer basic assistance for installing plugins and themes. Should you require in-depth technical support for a theme or plugin, you’ll need to purchase the product directly from the creator (links are available on the product page) or hire a freelancer. Alternatively, you could opt for our paid support services.

What should I do when asked for a license activation code or prompted to upgrade to premium?

Simply ignore these prompts. They are included by developers for the purpose of enabling automatic updates or registering for support. The product will function perfectly fine without entering anything. We advise manually updating your themes/plugins when new versions are made available on our site.

Does DDGPL provide license keys?

No, we do not furnish, lease, or resell license keys. The products available on our website are under the GNU GPL License and do not require any license keys, allowing you to use them on as many projects as needed.

What is the timeframe for receiving an updated version of a product?

You can request a product update anytime. Updates are typically completed within 48 hours upon receiving your request.

How do I go about upgrading a plugin?

Follow these steps, starting by installing and activating the Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin:

  1. Download the newest plugin zip file.
  2. Sign in to your WordPress site.
  3. Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Hit the “Upload Plugin” button.
  5. Choose the newly downloaded plugin version in the zip file format.
  6. Click “Install Now.”

How do I update a theme?

Similar to plugins, first ensure you have the Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin active, and then:

  1. Obtain the latest theme zip file.
  2. Log into WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  4. Select the “Add New” button.
  5. Hit “Upload Theme”.
  6. Choose the theme’s zip file.
  7. Click “Install Now.”

What is the fix for a “style.css missing” error during theme upload?

If you’re new to WordPress and encounter a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error, the issue is likely due to trying to upload the entire package containing the theme, documentation, and license files acquired from DDGPL. To resolve this, unzip the downloaded package and only upload the themename.zip file inside it.

Where can I read the terms and conditions?

The terms and conditions can be reviewed at https://ddgpl.com/terms-and-conditions/.

I still have questions, how can I contact you?

Should you have further inquiries, contact us via our feedback form. We generally reply within one business day.

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